Remove Hiring Doubt And Win The Competition For Top Talent
Last week I had a client tell me that prior to TalentCare, she would receive so many resumes she did not have enough time or energy to sort through them all. None of them looked the same or even had the same types of information. A different client told me that after a month of … Continue reading “Remove Hiring Doubt And Win The Competition For Top Talent”

The Hardest Lessons In Recruiting & Why They Matter
Recruiting is more than building an applicant pool, reviewing resumes, conducting interviews, and then making a hire, or handing all responsibilities to your recruiter. Much more is involved, and employers like you are not only part of the process, but are crucial to finding the best hire. It is not hard to do! Learn these … Continue reading “The Hardest Lessons In Recruiting & Why They Matter”

5 Easy Ways To Optimize Your Recruitment Practices For Better Candidates
Recruiting can be hard. You want the best candidates and you want them fast, but you spend time on wasted interviews while you could be working on your other duties. This doesn’t have to be your recruitment experience. Optimize your recruitment practices to find better candidates and shorten the process of finding the perfect hire! … Continue reading “5 Easy Ways To Optimize Your Recruitment Practices For Better Candidates”

The Secret to Recruiting Optometrists
Have you heard the one about the clinic that tried to recruit a new OD for two years? I hope you were not expecting a punchline, because this story is all too true! When TalentCare visited the recent Vision Source Exchange, we heard it over and over again. Members told us: “Our clinic is in … Continue reading “The Secret to Recruiting Optometrists”

How to Avoid the Greatest Tragedy in Hiring
As I have helped hiring managers all across the United States fulfill their hiring needs, I have also borne witness to the repeated tragedy of losing a top-quality candidate in the midst of the hiring process. The Greatest Tragedy in Hiring is Losing your Ideal Candidate. You may be thinking to yourself, “Is that really … Continue reading “How to Avoid the Greatest Tragedy in Hiring”

How Scalability Can Ease Your Recruiting Pain As An Independent Practice
Depending on the size of your practice, you may hire only a handful of positions per year. The scalability of your recruiting practices may be the furthest thing from your mind. Rather, you are likely concerned with the ability to recruit quickly when a need arises, and finding high-quality candidates who will be a long-term … Continue reading “How Scalability Can Ease Your Recruiting Pain As An Independent Practice”

Why Are Great Candidates Bailing On Your Job Interview Process?
Does this sound familiar? You get two thirds of the way through your interview process, and all of a sudden that high-quality candidate accepted another opportunity? Or, even worse, you get through the entire process and present an offer letter, only to have the candidate decline? Unfortunately, this kind of scenario is no longer the … Continue reading “Why Are Great Candidates Bailing On Your Job Interview Process?”

8 Interview Questions to Help You Uncover a Candidate’s True Character
As a Healthcare Recruiter, I look at resumes all day, every day! No two resumes are alike, which makes reading and interpreting resumes an art in its own. The resume is the first step in understanding whether a candidate is qualified for a position. Of course, there is more to hiring the right candidate than … Continue reading “8 Interview Questions to Help You Uncover a Candidate’s True Character”

5 Easy Steps to Sell Your Job Opening in a Job Seeker’s Market
Have you ever noticed that the most successful companies are the ones who have been able to recruit the right talent into the right roles, and keep them there? In every job, there is an ideal candidate at a certain stage of their career who will outperform all the others – you just have to … Continue reading “5 Easy Steps to Sell Your Job Opening in a Job Seeker’s Market”